Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! On this wonderful day of giving thanks, I would just like to make a few shout-outs :)

I'm thankful for my wonderful family and all the support they give me. I love spending time with them as often as I can cause they are so fun and crazy ;D
I am thankful for my loving parents! They understand how crazy busy my life is getting and they try their best to be there for me and give good advice. I'm thankful for my dads cheesy jokes because he always knows how to make me laugh. I'm thankful that my mother still tries to act like a teenager because I know when I have no other friends to talk to my mom is always there for me.
I'm thankful for my wonderful home in Utah. It took a lot of getting used to, but I've learned to love it.
I am extremely grateful for my friends. They make life fun and exciting :D
But most of all I am thankful for my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ. Without them life would be impossible. :) 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I ♥ Music

This song is one of my new favorites :) I love Ingrid Michaelson's voice! And her lyrics crack me up! ♥

Friday, October 28, 2011

Just keep swimming... Just keep swimming... ♪

Last night was MY VERY FIRST SWIM MEET!!
It was crazy! It was hectic! It was exciting! It was so fun! 
I swam a 50 freestyle, 100 freestyle, and a 200 freestyle relay.
When I first got there I had no clue what the heck I was doing! But with the help of Courtney and Jessica, I figured it out and didn't miss any of my races :D
I did a lot better than I was expecting, but thanks to my little prayer and lots of great advice, I got great times and had a blast :D
I heart swim team!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Mole Day, World!!

Today is national mole day where you celebrate the number 6.02 x10^23 :D it started at 6:02 this morning and ends at 6:02 tonight!! I love being a nerd because I get to know about these awesome new holidays that I wouldn't have known about otherwise! :D
 See^^ I even made a shirt!! :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lived, Learned, Loved

As of Sunday I have been deemed single. I shed a few tears but deep down I knew it was going to happen eventually. We're friends now. It's very different, but I'm glad I still get to spend time with him and talk to him like nothing really happened. At times I still wish we were dating, it is going to be very hard getting over him but I know I can survive just being one of his best friends. I've learned a lot from our relationship some good some not so good but that's how all relationships are right? Anyways, It'll probably be a while before this gal tosses her heart back out there into the pool of boys and relationships. One of my new life goals is to be more spontaneous so for now on, I'm just going to have fun with life; do crazy things with my fellow females, laugh at anything and everything, do things just for the heck of it, that sort of thing :) wish me luck!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

School has been in session for almost two whole months. I am now a junior and I am loving every moment of it!! I get to drive myself to school (WooHoo!! no more bus!!), I have an amazing boyfriend who is super sweet! :D, and I get so many more "adult" responsibilities. Before the school year started, I made a few goals for my junior year but one of my top ones is to make a name for myself. So in order to reach this goal I ran for, and won, the Jr. class officer position in my afternoon college class, I joined the swim team (I get to wake up at 4:15 in the morning and swim for two hours!! :D), and I have a new job at Frostop (no more working with mommy!). I hope I don't get too overwhelmed with all of my new activities and responsibilities and I hope this year is a good one!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Successes and Failures

So over the course of the summer I only accomplished three of my summer goals. But I accomplished a lot of other things that didn't make the list.

List accomplishments:
Got a job. Worked my tail off!! Made some new work friends. But my hours got cut so I didn't meet my estimated quota (earn enough to buy a car). But I'm getting there!!
Got a gnarly tan. I wouldn't say I'm extremely tan, but I'm darker than I was two months ago! :D
Built my cardboard castle!! I worked all day and finished building it at 11 o'clock at night, went to bed, woke up the next morning to find the sprinklers attacked it :( 

Unlisted accomplishments:
Made a TON of new friends. 
Decided to join swim team this school year.
Threw a way awesome end of summer party!
And much more!!! :D

Goodbye summer! Hello Junior year!!! I hope it's a good one!!! :D

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pirates camp too?! :D

So last week (from Wednesday to Saturday) I was at my Wards girls camp!  Our theme was pirates. It was such a blast!! I would like to thank all of my YW leaders for putting it all together. It was such a fun experience and I will never forget it :) I'm glad I got to know all the girls in my Ward better too. I was the oldest there so I don't hardly know any of the younger girls but after this past week I feel as if everyone in the YW program in my Ward are as close as sisters :)

Young Women of BH2 ward!!

My friends! (Becky, Karlee, Sister Josey, Kenzie, Bridgette, Sister Wasden, Lauren)

Us YCL's (young camp leaders) doing a camp cheer! :D
Our leaders in their pirate attire

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's July already!?

So not a lot has been going on in my life right now. Just going to work every day and hanging out with Gabe almost every day after work :) Still can't believe school has been out for over a month!!! Where has the time gone?!

Today is my little sisters eighth birthday! She is going to be baptized! This is such an exciting day for her. I'm proud of her for choosing to become a baptized member of the church :)

And on behalf of my sisters BIG DAY my Grandma from Arizona is here! I haven't seen her in soooo long!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

I love my daddy!

Today is Fathers Day, and I would just like the world to know that I have the most amazing daddy of all time and I love him dearly! He is such a great example to me and my siblings and I hope one day my husband is as kind, funny, and sweet just like my daddy :)

3 crazy, amazing, fun, inside joke filled, days!

This weekend I went to Youth Conference up at Snow College. It was such a BLAST! We all got to bunk in these super nice apartment complexes. My roomies were THE BEST! We had such a grand time together! When we first arrived on the buses, it was cold and rainy (so not cool! It's summer for Pete's sake!), but we managed to have fun anyways:). The weekend was filled with fun games, new friends, and mosquito bites! I will never forget the amazing times I had at Youth Conference! I'm glad I went! And I'm glad that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so that I can associate myself with amazing friends that have the same standards as me:)   

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Secret addictions

Yes, I admit it, I have a problem. Not a mental problem, not a physical problem, but an addiction problem. I am secretly addicted to Dr. Pepper, texting, and music. My life would be nothing if I didn't have these things! I always need my daily fix! I'd go crazy without them! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

I am now a working woman!

I started my very first job on Tuesday! I work at Amber Lyn Chocolates! It is a sugar free chocolate company here in town. My mom works there so she got me a summer job there too:) thanks mommy! I've been working full time and boy am I pooped when I come home! but it's all worth it. I'm going to put a large portion into buying a car. I'M SO EXCITED!!!

So I started on my summer list. I've started on my tan and I've read the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book:) I've made a new goal for that one. I'm gonna try and read the whole series before the next movie comes out in mid-July!! :) wish me luck!!

P.s. I have a new boyfriend! his name is Gabe he's so amazing!! ♥

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sunburns and video games

School has been out for two and a half days now (whoopy!). And in those two and a half days I have gone swimming twice. Got sunburned one of those times. Played Super Smash Brothers three times with a new group of friends! They are so nerdy I love it!! And partied with the entire Junior (now Senior) class.
You could say my summer is going to be awesome!!

I'm so excited! I'm starting drivers ed today so I can finally get my license!! I should also probably start on my list of things to do this summer.....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

You can call me Sydni Lauper ;)

I officially love being sixteen! I can now go on super awesome day dates before school dances without my parentals telling me "no, you're not sixteen yet." 

Yesterday I had a wonderful day with my new friends! I didn't really know the kids in my group, but after all the fun we had together on Saturday I would say we know each other pretty well now:) I'm so glad that my friend Chad asked me to go with him. I had a blast and he was a perfect gentleman!

For our day date we ate lunch at Jimmy Johns, played an intense game of mini golf, went to one of the boys' house and played minute to win it games, took a trip to Deseret Industries (DI) to buy awesome clothes for our dance attire, then we parted ways to get ready for said dance. 

The theme of the dance was 'Rock of the Ages' so we got to dress up in clothes that people of our favorite music era wore. I am a huge 80's fan so I went all out and by the time I was done getting ready I looked like Cyndi Lauper!! It was totally righteous! 
ME! aka Sydni Lauper
Cyndi Lauper!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I shall miss you Seniors!

Today was the Seniors last day of school. Even though I didn't know most of them, I will truly miss the ones I do know! I hope all of them enjoy their summer and college life afterwards:) Word of advice: It might be tough at times but it's all worth it in the end.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

commence countdown 'til summer!

There are exactly 8 school days left until summer!! Woohoo! This summer is going to be the best! How? might you ask... well I made a list of things I would like to accomplish this 2011 summer.
  1. Get a job (already have one lined up!)
  2. Purchase a super awesome vehicle 
  3. Get a gnarly tan
  4. Read entire Harry Potter series
  5. Buy a skim board and improve skim boarding skills!
  6. Have a Star Wars marathon
  7. Visit friends in Missouri (this is questionable)
  8. Build a massive cardboard castle in my back yard!
  9. Show my super awesome twin brother Jared around my neck of the woods! (long story will tell at a later time)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We are definitely sisters!

Me and my little sister Jessica are super close. We look alike, we like a lot of the same things, we even have a lot of mutual friends. Me and her are so crazy -and according to my parents, embarrassing- when we are together!! We laugh at dumb things and make complete fools of ourselves in public places! I love my sister and I'm glad I always have best friend who lives under the same roof as me:) Love ya 'Ca!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Did I Just Do That?

So it's been about week or two since i last posted, but a lot has gone down since then:
1. I cut bangs!

2. i went stag to prom and had a BLAST! (thanks to Sarah and Lexi)

3. I TURNED 16!! (we blew awesome giant bubbles at my "party"!)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, Oh How I Love You

Today is Friday the best of the days,
The weekend is only inches away.
The clock ticks, my heart beats, the sun beckons me.Sweet thoughts of freedom flutter my mind,
I wish it were Friday all of the time.
The excitement, the anticipation, clock hurry and strike three!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm a fruit vampire!

Blood oranges are officially AMAZING! we learned about them in chemistry yesterday so I decided to try them out... and I love them!