Friday, June 3, 2011

I am now a working woman!

I started my very first job on Tuesday! I work at Amber Lyn Chocolates! It is a sugar free chocolate company here in town. My mom works there so she got me a summer job there too:) thanks mommy! I've been working full time and boy am I pooped when I come home! but it's all worth it. I'm going to put a large portion into buying a car. I'M SO EXCITED!!!

So I started on my summer list. I've started on my tan and I've read the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book:) I've made a new goal for that one. I'm gonna try and read the whole series before the next movie comes out in mid-July!! :) wish me luck!!

P.s. I have a new boyfriend! his name is Gabe he's so amazing!! ♥

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