Saturday, October 1, 2011

School has been in session for almost two whole months. I am now a junior and I am loving every moment of it!! I get to drive myself to school (WooHoo!! no more bus!!), I have an amazing boyfriend who is super sweet! :D, and I get so many more "adult" responsibilities. Before the school year started, I made a few goals for my junior year but one of my top ones is to make a name for myself. So in order to reach this goal I ran for, and won, the Jr. class officer position in my afternoon college class, I joined the swim team (I get to wake up at 4:15 in the morning and swim for two hours!! :D), and I have a new job at Frostop (no more working with mommy!). I hope I don't get too overwhelmed with all of my new activities and responsibilities and I hope this year is a good one!!

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