Friday, October 28, 2011

Just keep swimming... Just keep swimming... ♪

Last night was MY VERY FIRST SWIM MEET!!
It was crazy! It was hectic! It was exciting! It was so fun! 
I swam a 50 freestyle, 100 freestyle, and a 200 freestyle relay.
When I first got there I had no clue what the heck I was doing! But with the help of Courtney and Jessica, I figured it out and didn't miss any of my races :D
I did a lot better than I was expecting, but thanks to my little prayer and lots of great advice, I got great times and had a blast :D
I heart swim team!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Mole Day, World!!

Today is national mole day where you celebrate the number 6.02 x10^23 :D it started at 6:02 this morning and ends at 6:02 tonight!! I love being a nerd because I get to know about these awesome new holidays that I wouldn't have known about otherwise! :D
 See^^ I even made a shirt!! :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lived, Learned, Loved

As of Sunday I have been deemed single. I shed a few tears but deep down I knew it was going to happen eventually. We're friends now. It's very different, but I'm glad I still get to spend time with him and talk to him like nothing really happened. At times I still wish we were dating, it is going to be very hard getting over him but I know I can survive just being one of his best friends. I've learned a lot from our relationship some good some not so good but that's how all relationships are right? Anyways, It'll probably be a while before this gal tosses her heart back out there into the pool of boys and relationships. One of my new life goals is to be more spontaneous so for now on, I'm just going to have fun with life; do crazy things with my fellow females, laugh at anything and everything, do things just for the heck of it, that sort of thing :) wish me luck!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

School has been in session for almost two whole months. I am now a junior and I am loving every moment of it!! I get to drive myself to school (WooHoo!! no more bus!!), I have an amazing boyfriend who is super sweet! :D, and I get so many more "adult" responsibilities. Before the school year started, I made a few goals for my junior year but one of my top ones is to make a name for myself. So in order to reach this goal I ran for, and won, the Jr. class officer position in my afternoon college class, I joined the swim team (I get to wake up at 4:15 in the morning and swim for two hours!! :D), and I have a new job at Frostop (no more working with mommy!). I hope I don't get too overwhelmed with all of my new activities and responsibilities and I hope this year is a good one!!