Thursday, November 22, 2012

3 a.m. Thoughts

Yes, it is really 3 a.m. And I am having the hardest time falling asleep! It might be the fact that I have a lot of things I need to get done this week so I'm stressing about it! Or it could possibly be that Dr. Pepper I drank (oops). But as I lie here in bed, listening to the Beatles, I'm thinking... Thinking about a better tomorrow and the only way to achieve that is by making today the best it can be! Because you can't build a house on a crapy foundation! So from now on, I am going to look at the bright side of everything! Maybe there is a good reason I got into a little quarrel with my friends tonight; maybe they're not the friends I need right now. I think I need friends who will help guide me to goodness and righteous decisions! I know they are all good people and I'm not judging them in any way, but I feel as if by hanging out with them I will make some not too good choices that could very well jeopardize my so-called life plan.

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