Sunday, June 19, 2011

I love my daddy!

Today is Fathers Day, and I would just like the world to know that I have the most amazing daddy of all time and I love him dearly! He is such a great example to me and my siblings and I hope one day my husband is as kind, funny, and sweet just like my daddy :)

3 crazy, amazing, fun, inside joke filled, days!

This weekend I went to Youth Conference up at Snow College. It was such a BLAST! We all got to bunk in these super nice apartment complexes. My roomies were THE BEST! We had such a grand time together! When we first arrived on the buses, it was cold and rainy (so not cool! It's summer for Pete's sake!), but we managed to have fun anyways:). The weekend was filled with fun games, new friends, and mosquito bites! I will never forget the amazing times I had at Youth Conference! I'm glad I went! And I'm glad that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints so that I can associate myself with amazing friends that have the same standards as me:)   

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Secret addictions

Yes, I admit it, I have a problem. Not a mental problem, not a physical problem, but an addiction problem. I am secretly addicted to Dr. Pepper, texting, and music. My life would be nothing if I didn't have these things! I always need my daily fix! I'd go crazy without them! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

I am now a working woman!

I started my very first job on Tuesday! I work at Amber Lyn Chocolates! It is a sugar free chocolate company here in town. My mom works there so she got me a summer job there too:) thanks mommy! I've been working full time and boy am I pooped when I come home! but it's all worth it. I'm going to put a large portion into buying a car. I'M SO EXCITED!!!

So I started on my summer list. I've started on my tan and I've read the first chapter of the first Harry Potter book:) I've made a new goal for that one. I'm gonna try and read the whole series before the next movie comes out in mid-July!! :) wish me luck!!

P.s. I have a new boyfriend! his name is Gabe he's so amazing!! ♥