Friday, May 27, 2011

Sunburns and video games

School has been out for two and a half days now (whoopy!). And in those two and a half days I have gone swimming twice. Got sunburned one of those times. Played Super Smash Brothers three times with a new group of friends! They are so nerdy I love it!! And partied with the entire Junior (now Senior) class.
You could say my summer is going to be awesome!!

I'm so excited! I'm starting drivers ed today so I can finally get my license!! I should also probably start on my list of things to do this summer.....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

You can call me Sydni Lauper ;)

I officially love being sixteen! I can now go on super awesome day dates before school dances without my parentals telling me "no, you're not sixteen yet." 

Yesterday I had a wonderful day with my new friends! I didn't really know the kids in my group, but after all the fun we had together on Saturday I would say we know each other pretty well now:) I'm so glad that my friend Chad asked me to go with him. I had a blast and he was a perfect gentleman!

For our day date we ate lunch at Jimmy Johns, played an intense game of mini golf, went to one of the boys' house and played minute to win it games, took a trip to Deseret Industries (DI) to buy awesome clothes for our dance attire, then we parted ways to get ready for said dance. 

The theme of the dance was 'Rock of the Ages' so we got to dress up in clothes that people of our favorite music era wore. I am a huge 80's fan so I went all out and by the time I was done getting ready I looked like Cyndi Lauper!! It was totally righteous! 
ME! aka Sydni Lauper
Cyndi Lauper!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I shall miss you Seniors!

Today was the Seniors last day of school. Even though I didn't know most of them, I will truly miss the ones I do know! I hope all of them enjoy their summer and college life afterwards:) Word of advice: It might be tough at times but it's all worth it in the end.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

commence countdown 'til summer!

There are exactly 8 school days left until summer!! Woohoo! This summer is going to be the best! How? might you ask... well I made a list of things I would like to accomplish this 2011 summer.
  1. Get a job (already have one lined up!)
  2. Purchase a super awesome vehicle 
  3. Get a gnarly tan
  4. Read entire Harry Potter series
  5. Buy a skim board and improve skim boarding skills!
  6. Have a Star Wars marathon
  7. Visit friends in Missouri (this is questionable)
  8. Build a massive cardboard castle in my back yard!
  9. Show my super awesome twin brother Jared around my neck of the woods! (long story will tell at a later time)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We are definitely sisters!

Me and my little sister Jessica are super close. We look alike, we like a lot of the same things, we even have a lot of mutual friends. Me and her are so crazy -and according to my parents, embarrassing- when we are together!! We laugh at dumb things and make complete fools of ourselves in public places! I love my sister and I'm glad I always have best friend who lives under the same roof as me:) Love ya 'Ca!!