Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pirates camp too?! :D

So last week (from Wednesday to Saturday) I was at my Wards girls camp!  Our theme was pirates. It was such a blast!! I would like to thank all of my YW leaders for putting it all together. It was such a fun experience and I will never forget it :) I'm glad I got to know all the girls in my Ward better too. I was the oldest there so I don't hardly know any of the younger girls but after this past week I feel as if everyone in the YW program in my Ward are as close as sisters :)

Young Women of BH2 ward!!

My friends! (Becky, Karlee, Sister Josey, Kenzie, Bridgette, Sister Wasden, Lauren)

Us YCL's (young camp leaders) doing a camp cheer! :D
Our leaders in their pirate attire

Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's July already!?

So not a lot has been going on in my life right now. Just going to work every day and hanging out with Gabe almost every day after work :) Still can't believe school has been out for over a month!!! Where has the time gone?!

Today is my little sisters eighth birthday! She is going to be baptized! This is such an exciting day for her. I'm proud of her for choosing to become a baptized member of the church :)

And on behalf of my sisters BIG DAY my Grandma from Arizona is here! I haven't seen her in soooo long!